HyperLink   Reverse If-Conversion
Paper of IMPACT - Cited Greater than 100 Times
Publication Year:
  Nancy J. Warter, Scott A. Mahlke, Wen-mei Hwu, B. Ramakrishna Rau
  Proceeding PLDI '93 Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 1993 conference on Programming language design and implementation, 1993

In this paper we present a set of isomorphic control transformations that allow the compiler to apply local scheduling techniques to acyclic subgraphs of the control flow graph. Thus, the code motion complexities of global scheduling are eliminated. This approach relies on a new technique, Reverse If-Conversion (RIC), that transforms scheduled If-Converted code back to the control flow graph representation. This paper presents the predicate internal representation, the algorithms for RIC, and the correctness of RIC. In addition, the scheduling issues are addressed and an application to software pipelining is presented.